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Tips for Raising Responsible Children

As a parent, what would you say is your top goal to accomplish with/for your children?

A common response is that parents want to help their children grow into responsible adults— which may include smaller goals such as helping them have skills necessary to be productive members of society, be healthy, happy, and able to take care of themselves.  To encourage and direct parents toward achieving this goal, Cornell University Extension (Jefferson County) has created a parent guide that identifies and breaks down 7 parenting tips. Let’s take a closer look.

Tip 1: Don’t do things for your children that they can do for themselves.

Tip 2: Be clear and consistent about your expectations.

Tip 3Teach skills and give positive feedback.

Tip 4: Create a home that helps children act responsibly.

Tip 5: Teach children that mistakes are an opportunity to learn.

Tip 6: Let children experience the natural consequences of their behavior.

Tip 7: Be a positive role model.

These statements summarize most of the excellent information found in this on-line publication found at: ,under “Resources for You”, “Raising Responsible Children”

A few take-away statements for parents included in the document include:

Kathleen Riggs is the Utah State University Extension family and consumer sciences professor for Iron County. Questions or comments may be sent to or call 435-586-8132.

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