15 Benefits of Eating Local

Local Food Graphic

Some of the reasons to buy local food may surprise you. They may even entice you to visit your local farmer’s market this summer. 

Local is in. And if trends from the past several years are any indication, the movement is here to stay. Why are people so drawn to buying locally? The top three reasons Americans do so, according to the Food Marketing Institute, include freshness, supporting the local economy, and knowing where the product came from. Other studies show similar reasons, along with higher and better quality, positive relationships with growers, and the opportunity to purchase unique products.

Although many might first connect local food purchasing to positive environmental benefits, the benefits extend to your mental and physical health, your social sphere, and your community’s prosperity. Specific benefits of engaging in the local movement include:

  1. Improved nutrition, increased likelihood of making healthier food choices, obesity prevention, and reduced risk of diet-related chronic disease.
  2. Small farms preserved and rural communities sustained.
  3. Sixty-five percent of your dollar remains within the community, compared to shopping at large chain stores where only 40 percent of your dollar stays in your community.
  4. More job security in your local community.
  5. Attraction of employees and patients to local restaurants, hospitals, and other businesses advertising local food sourcing.
  6. Increased national food security.
  7. Local and small-scale farmland preserved.
  8. Food travel distance is reduced (food miles). This cuts down on fossil fuel consumption, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions associated with transporting food.
  9. Preserved cultivar genetic diversity.
  10. Higher likelihood farmers selling direct to consumers and markets are engaging in environmentally friendly production practices.
  11. Reduced food safety risks through product decentralization.
  12. If growing your own food, greater physical activity is an additional health benefit. 
  13. Being able to talk to the people who grew and/or made the food you are buying.
  14. Being able to ask questions about pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, animal treatment, fertilizers, and any other queries you may have about how your food was produced.
  15. Getting to know your local producers gives you a stronger sense of place, relationships, trust, and pride within your community.

Read More

More Sustainable Food Resources 

This article was written by Roslyn Brain, Sustainable Communities Extension Specialist with USU Extension, Moab

Celebrate Earth Day with Sustainable Change

Earth DayEarth day is this Saturday, April 22, and you may want to celebrate by making a sustainable change. Try these tips to help you continue sustainable behaviors and influence your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers to make sustainable changes as well.

As Earth Day approaches, many begin dreaming up ways to live and help others live more sustainably. But change— like vowing to start bringing your own bags to the store, biking to work, or visiting the farmers market more often— is hard. Adding to the complexity is the fact that the reason most people say they engage in environmental behaviors is actually quite different from reality. It turns out that norms (the influence of others) is generally the highest influence on our behavior. How shocking! None of us wants to admit we are influenced by others, but regardless of how passionate we feel about the environment, if others around us are engaging in similar behaviors, we are much more likely to do so. The good news is that you can use tools like this to your advantage!

Going back to biking to work as an example (you could also plug in taking the bus or train, walking, or carpooling), why is it so difficult to make the switch from driving your car? Well, let’s break this down into a barrier-benefit analysis. When driving your car, what barriers do you experience? For example: stress, feelings of anger and frustration sitting in traffic, loneliness, wasted money by idling in stopped traffic or while parked, vehicle maintenance costs, parking pass costs, etc. What are your perceived benefits? Possibly independence, freedom to make your own schedule, etc. Now let’s look at biking. What are your perceived barriers? They could be safety, understanding traffic laws for biking, bad weather, etc. What are your perceived benefits?  Examples could be combining physical activity and your commute into one, increased happiness, cardiovascular fitness, strength, balance and flexibility, cognition, energy, etc.

In helping influence sustainable change, you may be tempted to share the reality of how many drivers commute alone each day with your friends, family and colleagues. Unfortunately, given the power of norms, this will have an adverse impact, likely causing more people to engage in the behavior because everyone else is doing it. Instead, as a wise marketer, you should emphasize the barriers of the behavior you wish to discourage, and emphasize the benefits of the behavior you wish to encourage, all while removing as many of the barriers of the behavior you wish to encourage as possible. From here, you will test and then employ a set of marketing tools to increase your likelihood of success. These tools can include:

Prompts: Best for repetitive behaviors like bringing your own bags to the store or turning off lights. These should be as close to the behavior as possible, such as an air freshener designed by youth reminding parents “It’s your Turn, Turn it off” to cut down on idling in front of schools.

Commitment: Start small. Small commitments of a related nature can be followed up with bigger asks. For example, your kids might ask you to commit to turning off and unplugging electronics when not in use and place a “in our house, we power down” sticker on your car. Then, you are much more likely to seriously consider a larger related behavior in a future ask, like exploring solar panels.

Norms: These are the most influential of all tools. Be sure to focus on the norm you wish to create. You should both model the behavior you are advocating and try to make the behavior visible. Composting is generally kept to people’s backyards, but if you want to encourage your entire neighborhood to compost, you could talk to each of your neighbors about composting, the benefits, how you overcame barriers experienced, where to purchase needed materials, seek a commitment that they will begin composting, follow up with your neighbors, and administer stickers for everyone’s visible recycle bins that say “_[insert neighborhood name]__ Neighborhood Composter.” This creates a visible neighborhood norm where others will want to join in when they see their neighbors engaged in the behavior.

Convenience: Make engaging in your behavior as easy as possible. For example, do not place the recycle bin far away from the trash unless you wish for contamination in both. Place the bins side-by-side ideally with different colors (blue for recycling), clear labels, and for an added bonus, call the trash “landfill” for a more accurate visual of the end-state result.

Communication: Catchy phrases and tapping into popular culture can do wonders for your change efforts. If you want your young kids to remember to turn off the lights, you could place a “smiley” sticker next to the “off” position, a “sad” sticker next to the on position, and positively reinforce them when they turn the lights when leaving a room.

Incentives: These can extend beyond financial— get creative! Just be sure not to take the incentive away too soon once introduced or the behavior may not remain changed. Some grocery stores offer five cents off for each reusable bag used by customers— this is a good incentive. Another example of an incentive is a bike rack located right next to building entryways. Front row parking may entice more people to ride their bike to work or school, especially when combined with limited or expensive parking.

Interested in learning more? Check out this Primer in Community-Based Social Marketing that you can use to help foster change in your own household, neighborhood, community, and even state. This is based off of Doug McKenzie-Mohr’s great work of Fostering Sustainable Behaviors (2013).

Want to further explore biking as an alternative mode of transportation? Check out this view the fact sheet. Looking forward to seeing you on the bike path!

This article was written by Roslynn Brain, Sustainable Communities Extension Specialist with USU Extension, Moab

Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions

By: Roslynn Brain, USU Extension sustainable communities specialist

Sustainable New Years Resolutions

Challenge yourself to try simple lifestyle changes each month of the new year. Each aspect of sustainable living presented is not only good for the environment, but good for your health and wallet as well. Whether you dust off your bike, explore vermicomposting or simply update your light bulbs, each small change you make can have lasting impacts.

January: Lose paper weight this year. Go paperless with your bills and unsubscribe from junk mail through Direct Marketing Association’s Mail Preference Service at www.dmachoice.org.

February: Be a cool Valentine. Save on your heating bill and turn your thermostat down while your house is empty during the day. See if you can sleep better with the thermostat down a few degrees at night as well. For other energy saving tips, visit www.extension.usu.edu/sustainability/htm/energy.

March: Start your (natural) spring cleaning. Make your own cleaning products to minimize toxin exposure, save money and be healthy. For tips and recipes, visit www.uaex.edu/Other_Areas/publications/PDF/MP492.pdf.

April: Let rain showers water your flowers. Build garden swales instead of mounds to capture natural water flow. Find pictures, explanations and books on how to do it at http://www.harvestingrainwater.com/.

May: Be bright with LED and natural light. Switch the light bulbs in your home to more efficient LED lights and use natural light to brighten your home/office. Energy tips can be found at www.extension.usu.edu/sustainability/htm/energy.

June: Avoid June bugs with natural pest control. Create your own garlic and dish detergent mixture for aphids, or experiment with other natural pest control recipes to improve your landscape and your family’s health. Visit http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/in197 for tips on natural pest control.

July: Beat the heat with a native or drought tolerant garden. Plant drought and heat tolerant native edibles and ornamentals this year to add natural Utah beauty to your landscape. Browse www.extension.usu.edu/htm/horticulture for helpful information.

August: Be thrift chic. Prepare your “new” work or school wardrobe with a visit to your local thrift store. While there, drop off clothes you no longer wear to keep the cycle going. Learn more about how to give clothes a second chance at http://usuextensionsustainability.blogspot.ca/2013/05/give-clothes-second-chance.html.

September: Head back to school/work with alternative transportation. Opt to bike, walk or ride the bus for your daily commute. Find out more by viewing the fact sheet at www.extension.usu.edu/sustainability/htm/air.

October: Happy Halloworms! Start your own household vermicompost system with red wigglers, a container, bedding, dirt, moisture and your daily food scraps. See Extension’s vermicomposting fact sheet at http://extension.usu.edu/sustainability/htm/land.

November: Give thanks through local giving. Sign up for a community-supported agriculture program, and buy your Thanksgiving meal from local sources to reduce your family’s food print (the carbon footprint associated with how your food was produced and the miles your food has traveled between production and consumption). Find out more about the local food movement at www.extension.usu.edu/sustainability/htm/food.

December: Give more while consuming less. Reuse newspaper and other paper scraps to make homemade upcycled (converting used materials into new items) gifts for your friends and family. Opt to draw names with family and friends to reduce the quantity and increase the quality of gifts. Host creative craft nights with friends and catch up while repurposing products that are typically thrown away. See Extension’s “Reuse” fact sheet at http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/Sustainability_2012_11pr.pdf.

For general information on sustainability, visit www.extension.usu.edu/sustainability.