Checklist for September Yard and Garden Tasks

Fall is in the air, which may make you want to hang up the rake. Don’t give up just yet, though – you are coming in the home stretch. Consider these fall tips from the USU Extension Gardeners Almanac. Also included are links for further information.

·  Click here if you are interested in saving seeds.

·  Learn about how and when to harvest watermelon and cantaloupe.

·  For storing potatoes, harvest the tubers once the vines have died down.

·  Harvest garlic and onions once the tops have dried down. Allow them to dry for 2-3 weeks before storing.

·   Store potatoes, garlic and onions in a cool/dry location (32-40 F) away from apples.

·   Fall is the perfect time of year for planting trees and shrubs.

·  Go hiking in the hills to enjoy autumn colors.

·  Divide crowded, spring-blooming perennials.

·  Check pears for ripeness once the fruit twists easily off the tree and seeds are dark colored, allowing them to finish ripening off the tree.

·   Early in September, apply a slow-release lawn fertilizer to provide a long-lasting effect throughout the fall months.

·   As temperatures cool, turfgrass requires minimal irrigation each week. Click here for irrigation needs in your area.

·   Plant new lawns or repair insect/diseased areas with grass seed, allowing 4-6 weeks for establishment before heavy frosts.

·   In compacted sites, aerate with hollow core aerator when turfgrass is actively growing in September and October.

Pests and Problems

·  To control raspberry crown borer, use a root drench during late summer to early fall. Click here for more information.

·  Learn about what causes bitter pit and other problems in apples.

·  Control rust mites in apple and pear trees after fruit is harvested and before leaf drop. Click here for information.

·  Box Elder bugs congregate on sunny surfaces during the fall months. Click here to learn about controlling these nuisance pests.

·  Monitor for damaging turfgrass insects.